Volleyball Spikes – These Videos Rock!

Volleyball spikes are one of my favorite plays in volleyball. Let’s face it…who doesn’t like to see powerful hits and great plays being made?


That is why I wanted to create this page. I wanted to show you some great hits being made on the volleyball court.

I love to see the power of the hit. I love to see the strategy of hitting over, around, or even through the block. Once that ball is set, it is almost like a chess game on the net. I love the game and seeing these great players make great plays.

I hope that you will equally enjoy these volleyball spikes!

Volleyball Videos

This first video has some great hits including on where someone gets packed in the face. Gotta love it when the defense doesn’t have their hands ready for the hit!

This video features polish all stars having a hitting competition. How high do you think that ball will bounce?

The next clip shows not only some great hits but also some amazing blocks. In fact, the block at the end of the clip is amazing! A one-on-one block on the outside where it would be really easy for the hitter to tool the block, but not this time!

All I have to say for this last clip is “Six pack anyone?”

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