The 4 2 Offense Revealed With Tips and Strategies

The 4 2 offense is not a lot different than the 6 2 offense. In this scheme, there will be four hitters and two setters (bet you couldn’t have guessed that).


The main difference between this offense and the 6 2 offense is that the setter is going to be setting when they are in the front row. This means that there will only be two attackers during each rotation.

Here is an example of how the players would line up using this offense with the top of the image as the volleyball net:

4 2 offense line up

Personally, I really don’t like this offense much and I don’t understand why someone would want to run it. If you are going to run an offense with two setters, you may as well run a 6 2 with them setting from the back row.

As I look at it, the 4 2 is really limited in the offensive options. It seems that it is an offense that is mainly focused on defense. In the sport of volleyball, that doesn’t make sense to me. Great defense only keeps the play going. You have to put the ball away to score a point.

I think this offense is really limiting and although there are people that run it, it doesn’t make sense to me why they would do. I cover it here mainly for the purposes of education and teaching people different offenses.

Where to go next?

Basic Volleyball Drills – It never hurts to refresh on the basics and master the fundamentals.

Funny Volleyball Quotes – Need a good laugh? This should do the trick.

Volleyball Practice Plans – Download our sample practice plans to make your practices more effective.

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